Take a Technology Break:


Time: 2-24hrs


Being on devices all day long can be draining and distracting. People feel less connection and empathy towards others when cell phones are part of a conversation, and the presence of cell phones can reduce people’s intellectual sharpness. Step back from technology for an extended period of time and spend time doing something you love or with people you love, without technology.



Whether for 2 hours or the full 24 hours – as long as your schedule allows – here are some suggestions for what you can do during this time:

  • Think critically about your media consumption
  • Engage in face-to-face conversations
  • Regulate your sleep schedule

If you feel this may be a challenge with the constant notifications and buzzing your phone will produce, we recommend installing Freedom app which will mute all possible notifications for the time period you alot.



Studies find that people feel less connection and empathy towards others when cell phones are part of the conversation [Przybylski & Weinstein (2012). Can you connect with me now? How the presence of mobile communication technology influences face-to-face conversation quality; Ward, Duke, Gneezy, & Bos (2017). Brain Drain: The Mere Presence of One’s Own Smartphone Reduces Available Cognitive Capacity]. Blue light from cell phones interfere with melatonin release and sleep quality [Tähkämö L, Partonen T, Pesonen AK (2018). Systematic review of light exposure impact on human circadian rhythm].